The Queen’s English: Top 12

I think I’m learning more English than my students… Here are some phrases I might bring back with me to the states:

  1. I’m knackered. = I’m exhausted.
  2. That’s pants! = That’s rubbish!
  3. That’s rubbish! = That’s trash!
  4. Marking = Grading
  5. You alright? = Are you okay?
  6. Bullocks (This is apparently a vulgar word…I, however, did not learn this until I started saying it all the time.  Only then did my British colleagues tell me I was cursing.) = google it…
  7. Pips = Seeds (like in a lemon or orange)
  8. Grill = Broil
  9. Kit = Sports Gear
  10. Could do = Might/Probably
  11. Speciality = Specialty
  12. Kip = Nap

And above all, don’t pronounce all “t’s” as “d’s  like us “lazy Americans.” (Just think, do you say the word, “British?” With a “d” or a “t” sound?)

My first run and getting locked out

I jogged around the park next to my house for the first time (I posted some pics of the park in the rain here), and I could barely squeeze by on the sidewalks because of all the people walking, dancing, and playing badminton.  Here is a list to describe the experience:

  1. A little girl tugged on my shorts when I tried to do pull-ups on the monkey-bars and said “HELLO BYE BYE.”
  2. I saw a little boy peeing on the sidewalk.  As my English (i.e., from England) friend so eloquently put it: “Why use split pants when you can use nappies?  This is probably considered child pornography in the UK!”
  3. There were ping pong tables.  Everywhere.
  4. As I was nearing the end of my run, a scrawny older man in his 60s or 70s wearing a white tank top and dirty khaki shorts slows down next to me on his cruiser bike and simply gives me a thumbs up for about 5 seconds.  I wish you all could have seen it!
In other news today, I locked myself out of my apartment, and my friendly neighbor came to the rescue!  He crawled through his window onto the balcony and then opened my window to unlock the door.  This would not be very exciting except for the fact that I live on the 11th floor.  I found out from my friend Music that he sells diamonds and he likes chocolate.  I promptly told him I have a boyfriend.

Me on the left with my friend, translator, and colleague, Music! She is less than 5 feet tall and always tells me how tall I am.