The Queen’s English: Top 12

I think I’m learning more English than my students… Here are some phrases I might bring back with me to the states:

  1. I’m knackered. = I’m exhausted.
  2. That’s pants! = That’s rubbish!
  3. That’s rubbish! = That’s trash!
  4. Marking = Grading
  5. You alright? = Are you okay?
  6. Bullocks (This is apparently a vulgar word…I, however, did not learn this until I started saying it all the time.  Only then did my British colleagues tell me I was cursing.) = google it…
  7. Pips = Seeds (like in a lemon or orange)
  8. Grill = Broil
  9. Kit = Sports Gear
  10. Could do = Might/Probably
  11. Speciality = Specialty
  12. Kip = Nap

And above all, don’t pronounce all “t’s” as “d’s  like us “lazy Americans.” (Just think, do you say the word, “British?” With a “d” or a “t” sound?)